Monday 28 September 2015

What if my art had mass appeal?

Mitch dug up this picture which like this blog links my art and christianity. I drew this in 1990 while studying Foundation Art at Perth Central TAFE.  I studied this course with Churchlands SHS art class friends Mitch Black and Jason Oliver. Don't forget I have a Churchlands blog too. Sad not to have completed it.

Surprisingly even though I worked at a T-Shirt printers later in the year...this design never made it to fabric (gave the original to Mitch, but kept a photocopy myself). The print with the skeletal skater I screenprinted earlier this year has a similar story. I gave the original to Ray at West Action but he did not commit it to screen. I think this new feature could be called "Inner city pool service in session";

Wednesday 17 June 2015

The making of term 4 Drawing project

Initially I expressed intention of something Pacific based
Dolls from term 3 at home set the mood

 I took this further outside; 

I used photos I took down in Maylands in a large collage;
I added ink and paint pen with attention to The Potter House Church in Maylands

Jurek and the work in its final stages 
Finally I added further collage using pin hole camera imagery;

The making of my "Random" Studio project (term 3+4)

This work played with the idea that I could randomly select artists from "Jamdown Vershun" radio program in a random way that did not express preference. In reality some of the Dancehall artists were included on reputation or looks. This may go on to be apart of some sort of Sound System style, I was look ahead in that regard.

Both works developed in term 4 Studio

Thursday 23 April 2015

Last term subject; Chance and Random

 In Art history we looked at DADA and Surrealism
 I'm looking at ways of breaking up images through filters to obtain desirable random effects;

DVD, TV and a overhead projector's "Fresnel" lens.

Monday 2 March 2015

Art History

For Art history class with Drew we have to compare to works.
I have chosen El Greco "The Adoration of the Name of Jesus";
and this representation of H. Selassie;